
Today’s environmental ethic expresses a society dedicated to sustainability and stewardship in its very existence.  Conservation of natural resources and energy requires innovation of lifestyle and culture.



“There is yet no ethic dealing with man’s relation to land and to the animals and plants which grow upon it…The land relation is still strictly economic, entailing privileges but not obligations.” – Aldo Leopold



A full-service ecological consulting firm, Envirens offers surveys, assessments and management of natural resources. Our broad-based qualifications and 20 years of experience allow us to provide a wide range of services.

Envirens has experience in natural resource assessments and management for both government and private projects. Services are fine-tuned to develop a scope of work appropriate to the individual needs and requirements of each project. A comprehensive knowledge and understanding of environmental regulations facilitate sound project design and implementation with favorable review by regulatory agencies.


Here are some publications we have been a part of:

  • Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Wetlands Assessment/ US EPA
  • Tiner, R.W., Jr. 1988. Field Guide to Nontidal Wetland Identification. Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Annapolis, MD and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Newton Corner, MA. Cooperative publication. 283 pp. + plates.


Here are some publications with articles/covers for download: